Class 6 Knowing Our Numbers Exercise 1.10

\begin{array}{l} \text {Q1. Write the roman-numerals for each of the following: } \\ \text {(i) } \quad 33 \quad \text {(ii) } \quad 48 \\ \text {(iii) } \quad 76 \quad \text {(iv) } \quad 95 \\ \\\text {Sol. (i) The roman-numeral of 33 is XXXIII} \\ \text {(ii) The roman-numeral of 48 is XLVIII} \\ \text {(iii) The roman-numeral of 76 is LXXVI} \\ \text {(iv) The roman-numeral of 95 is XCV } \\ \\\text {Q2. Write the following in Roman numerals: } \\ \text {(i) } \quad 154 \quad \text {(ii) } \quad 173 \\ \text {(iii) } \quad 248 \quad \text {(iv) } \quad 319 \\ \\\text {Sol. (i) The roman-numeral of 154 is CLIV} \\ \text {(ii) The roman-numeral of 173 is CLXXIII } \\ \text {(iii) The roman-numeral of 248 is CCXLVIII } \\ \text {(iv) The roman-numeral of 319 is CCCXIX} \\ \\\text {Q3. Write the following in Roman numerals: } \\ \text {(i) } \quad 1008 \quad \text {(ii) } \quad 2718 \\ \text {(iii) } \quad 3906 \quad \text {(iv) } \quad 3794 \\ \\\text {Sol. (i) The roman-numeral of 1008 is KVIII} \\ \text {(ii) The roman-numeral of 2718 is KKDCCXVIII} \\ \text {(iii) The roman-numeral of 3906 is KKKCKVI} \\ \text {(iv) The roman-numeral of 3794 is KKKDCCXCIV } \\ \\\text {Q4. Write the following in Roman numerals: } \\ \text {(i) } \quad 4201 \quad \text {(ii) } \quad 10009 \\ \text {(iii) } \quad 44000 \quad \text {(iv) } \quad 25819 \\ \\\text {Sol. (i) The roman-numeral of 4201 is } \overline{IV}CCI \\ \text {(ii) The roman-numeral of 10009 is } \overline{X}IX \\ \text {(iii) The roman-numeral of 44000 is } overline{XLIV} \\ \text {(iv) The roman-numeral of 25819 is } \overline{XXV}DCCCXIX \\ \\\text {Q5. Write the following in Hindu-Arabic numerals: } \\ \text {(i) } \quad XXVI \quad \text {(ii) } \quad XXIX \\ \text {(iii) } \quad LXXII \quad \text {(iv) } \quad XCI \\ \\\text {Sol. (i) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of XXVI is 26 } \\ \text {(ii) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of XXIX is 29} \\ \text {(iii) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of LXXII is 72 } \\ \text {(iv) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of XCI is 91 } \\ \\\text {Q6. Write the corresponding Hindu-Arabic numerals for each of the following: } \\ \text {(i) } \quad CIX \quad \text {(ii) } \quad CLXXII \\ \text {(iii) } \quad CCLIV \quad \text {(iv) } \quad CCCXXIX \\ \\\text {Sol.(i) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of CIX is 109 } \\ \text {(ii) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of CLXXII is 172 } \\ \text {(iii) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of CCLIV is 254 } \\ \text {(iv) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of CCCXXIX is 329 } \\ \\\text {Q7. Write the corresponding Hindu-Arabic numerals for each of the following: } \\ \text {(i) } \quad KXIX \quad \text {(ii) } \quad KDLXV \\ \text {(iii) } \quad KKCXXIII \quad \text {(iv) } \quad KKKDCXL \\ \\\text {Sol. (i) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of KXIX is 1019} \\ \text {(ii) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of KDLXV is 1565 } \\ \text {(iii) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of KKCXXIII is 2123} \\ \text {(iv) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of KKKDCXL is 3640} \\ \\\text {Q8. Write the following in Hindu-Arabic numerals: } \\ \text {(i) } \quad \overline{IV}CDXLIV \quad \text {(ii) } \quad \overline{VI}CKXLIX \\ \text {(iii) } \quad \overline{IX}CCCXCI \quad \text {(iv) } \quad \overline{LX}XIX \\ \\\text {Sol. (i) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of } \overline{IV}CDXLIV \text { is 4444} \\ \text {(ii) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of } \overline{VI}CKXLIX \text { is 6949 } \\ \text {(iii) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of }\overline{IX}CCCXCI \text { is 9391 } \\ \text {(iv) The Hindu-Arabic numerals of }\overline{LX}XIX \text { is 70009} \\ \\\text {Q9. Which of the following are meaningless? } \\ \text {(i) } \quad \overline{III}CC \quad \text {(ii) } \quad KKKCCXI \\ \text {(iii) } \quad XD \quad \text {(iv) } \quad VC \\ \\\text {Sol. (iii) is meaningless because X can be subtracted from L, K and C only. It cannot be subtracted from D.} \\\text {(iv) is meaningless because V cannot be written to the left of a symbol of greater value.} \\\end{array}
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