Class 6 Whole Numbers Exercise 3.1-1

\begin{array}{l} \text {Q1. Write down the smallest natural number. } \\ \\ \text {Sol. 1 is the smallest natural number.} \\ \\ \text {Q2. Write down the smallest whole number. } \\ \\ \text {Sol. 0 is the smallest whole number.} \\ \\\text {Q3. Write down, if possible, the largest natural number. } \\ \\ \text {Sol. The largest natural number does not exist.} \\ \\ \text {Q4. Write down, if possible, the largest whole number. } \\ \\ \text {Sol. The largest whole number does not exist.} \\ \\ \text {Q5. Are all natural numbers also whole numbers? } \\ \\ \text {Sol. Yes. All natural numbers are also whole numbers.} \\ \\ \text {Q6. Are all whole numbers also natural numbers? } \\ \\ \text {Sol. No. All whole numbers are not natural numbers.} \\ \\ \text {Q7. Give successor of each of the following whole numbers: } \\ \text {(i) 1000909 } \quad \text {(ii) 2340900 } \quad \text {(iii) 7039999 } \\ \\ \text {Sol. (i) The successor of 1000909 is } 1000909 +1 = 1000910 \\ \\ \text {(ii) The successor of 2340900 is } 2340900 +1 = 2340901 \\ \\ \text {(iii) The successor of 7039999 is } 7039999 + 1 =7040000 \\ \\\text {Q8. Write down the predecessor of each of the following whole numbers: } \\ \text {(i) 10000 } \quad \text {(ii) 807000 } \quad \text {(iii) 7005000 } \\ \\ \text {Sol. (i) The predecessor of 10000 is } 10000 – 1 = 9999 \\ \\ \text {(ii) The predecessor of 807000 is } 807000 – 1 = 806999 \\ \\ \text {(iii) The predecessor of 7005000 is } 7005000 – 1 = 7004999 \\ \\\text {Q9. Represent the following numbers on the number line: } \\ 2,0,3,5,7,11,15 \\ \\ \end{array}
\begin{array}{l} \text {Q10. How many whole numbers are there between 21 and 61 ? } \\ \\\text {Sol. The whole numbers between 21 and 61 are } \\ 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,38,39,40,41,42,\\ 43,44,45,46,47,54,55,56,57,58,59 \text { and } 60 \\ \text {Hence, there are 39 whole numbers between 21 and 61} \\ \\\end{array}
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