Class 7 Decimals Exercise 3.3-2

Q9. A vehicle covers a distance of 43.2 km in 2.4 litres of petrol. How much distance will it travel in litre of petrol?

Sol. Distance covered in 2.4 litres of petrol = 43.2 km
$$ \text {Distance covered in 1 litre of petrol }= \frac{43.2}{2.4} $$ $$=\frac{432}{24}=18 \text { km} $$Hence, distance travelled in 1 litre of petrol is 18 km.

Q10. The total weight of some bags of wheat is 1743 kg. If each bag weights 49.8 kg, how many bags are there?
Sol. Total weight of bags of wheat = 1743 kg.
Weight of each bag =49.8 kg.
$$ \Rightarrow \text {Total no. of bags } =\frac{1743}{49.8} $$ $$ =\frac{1743 \times 10}{498}=34 $$ Therefore, there are 35 bags of wheat.

Q11. Shikha cuts 50 m of cloth into pieces of 1.25 m each. How many pieces does she get?

Sol. Total length of cloth = 50 metres
Length of each piece of cloth =1.25 m
$$ \text {Total number of pieces } =\frac{50}{1.25} $$ $$ =\frac{50 \times 100}{125}=40 $$ Therefore, Shikha got 40 pieces.

Q12. Each side of a rectangular polygon is 2.5 cm in length. The perimeter of the polygon is 12.5 cm. How many sides does the polygon have?

Sol. Length of each side of rectangular polygon=5.2 cm
Perimeter of polygon = 12.5 cm.
$$ \text {No. of sides polygon have } =\frac{12.5}{2.5}=5 $$ Therefore, there are 5 sides of the polygon.

Q13. The product of two decimals is 42.987. If one of them is 12.46 , find the other.

Sol. Lets assume that the other decimal be x.
According to question, we have
12.46 × x = 42.987
$$ \Rightarrow \quad x = \frac{42.987}{12.46} $$ $$=\frac{42987 \times 100}{1246 \times 1000} $$ $$=\frac{42987}{12460}=3.45 $$ Thus, the other decimal number is 3.45

Q14. The weight of 34 bags of sugar is 3483.3 kg. If all bags weigh equally, find the weight of each bag.

Sol. Total weight of sugar = 3483.3 kg
Total no. of bags =34
$$ \text {Weight of each bag } = \frac{3483.3}{34} $$ $$ =\frac{34833}{340}=102.45 $$ Therefore, weight of each bag is 102.45 kg
Q15. How many buckets of equal capacity can be filled from 586.5 litres of water, if each bucket has capacity of 8.5 litres?

Sol. Capacity of each bucket =8.5 litres.
Total water available = 586.5 litres.
$$ \text {Number of buckets } =\frac{586.5}{8.5}=\frac{5865}{85}=69 $$ Therefore, 69 buckets can be filled.
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