Long Question Answers

Q1. How was the fortress-prison Bastille demolished?

Ans. On the morning of 14 July 1789, the city of Paris was in a state of shock. The king had commanded troops to move into the city. There were rumours that the king would soon order the army to open fire on the citizens. Crowds of men and women gathered in front of the town hall and formed a people’s militia. They broke into a number of government buildings in the search of arms. The group finally marched towards the eastern part of the city and stormed Bastille, where they hoped to fins hoarded ammunition. In the armed fight that began, the commander of Bastille was killed and all the seven prisoners were released. The fortress was finally demolished.

Q2. What were the reason that the king found an empty treasury upon his accession?

Ans. The king found an empty treasury because: –

1) Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France. Added to this was the cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles.

2) Under Louis XIV, France helped 13 American colonies to gain their independence from the common enemy Britain.

3) The was added more than a billion livres to a debt that had already risen to more than 2 billion livres.

Q3. Explain the society of estates in France.

Ans.  1) First Estate: – It comprised of the church and the clergy. These people enjoyed various privileges by birth. They were exempted from paying taxes to the state.

2) Second Estate: – It comprised of the nobles and other richer members of the society. These people were also exempted from paying taxes. They also enjoyed feudal privileges which included feudal dues from the peasants.

3) Third estate: – It comprised of only the nobles who made 90 per cent of the population. They were forced to provide services to the lords such as to in his fields and house or serve in the army or to participate in making roads. They also had to pay direct tax to the state called ‘taille’ and an indirect tax to the church ‘tithes.

Q4. How did subsistence crisis occur in France during the old regime?

Ans. The population of France rose from 1715 to 1789. This led to a rapid increase in the demand for food grains. The production of food grains couldn’t keep pace with the rising demand. So, the price of the bread which was a staple diet of the majority rose rapidly. Most workers were employed as labourers in workshops whose owner fixed their wages. But the wages didn’t keep pace with the rise in prices. So, the gap between the poor and the rich widened. Things became worse whenever drought or hail reduced the harvest. This led to subsistence in France during the old regime.

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